
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Miller Creek SD
February 14, 2017 6:00PM
Vallecito Elementary School, 50 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael, CA 94903 Closed Session 6:00 p.m. - Open Session 7:00 p.m.

1. Initial Matters
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Approval of Closed Session Agenda
2. Closed Session
2.1. With respect to every item of business discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS District Designated Representatives: Thomas J. Lohwasser, Superintendent, Robert Marical, Business Manager, and Noel J. Shumway, Legal Counsel. Organization: All Employee Groups
2.2. Public Comment on Items on the Closed Session Agenda
2.3. Recess to Closed Session to consider and/or take action upon any item on the Closed Session agenda
2.4. Reconvene to Open Session
3. Open Session Agenda
3.1. Pledge of Allegiance/Patriotic Salute
3.2. Announcement of Any Reportable Action Taken in Closed Session
3.3. Approval of Open Session Agenda
3.4. Public Comment on Items on the Open Session Agenda
4. Consent Agenda - Approval by Single Motion
4.1. Minutes - Regular Meeting, January 17, 2017 and Special Meeting, February 1, 2017
1-17-17 Minutes
2-1-17 Minutes
4.2. Certificated Personnel Actions: Retirement and Leave
Recommended Motion:
Approval is recommended.
021417agenda certpers
4.3. Classified Personnel Action: New Hires, Leaves and Resignation
Recommended Motion:

Consideration and Approval is recommended.

Classified Employment
4.4. Notice of Completion for Multi-Purpose Room Addition and Modernization at Mary E. Silveira Elementary School
a. NOC Mary Silveira MPR
b. Mary Silveira MPR NOC- GCCI
4.5. Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
As outlined in the Administrative Regulation 1312.4, Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures, approved by the Board on March 8th, 2005, any complaints addressed within the regulation shall be filed with the principal or designee, who shall then forward a complaint about problems beyond his/her authority to the Superintendent or designee within 10 working days. The principal or designee shall make all reasonable efforts to investigate any problem within his/her authority. He/she shall remedy a valid complaint within a reasonable time period not to exceed 30 working days from the date the complaint was received.

Complaints may be filed anonymously. If the complainant has indicated on the complaint form that he/she would like a response to his/her complaint, the principal or designee shall report the resolution of the complaint to him/her within 45 working days of the initial filing of the complaint. At the same time, the principal or designee shall report the same information to the Superintendent or designee. If a complainant is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, he/she may describe the complaint to the Governing Board at a regularly scheduled hearing.

Complaints and written responses shall be public records. The Superintendent or designee shall report summarized data on the nature and resolution of all complaints to the Board and the County Superintendent of Schools on a quarterly basis. The report shall include the number of complaints by general subject area with the number of resolved and unresolved complaints. These summaries shall be publicly reported on a quarterly basis at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Attached is the summary for the Second Quarter of the 2016/17 school year, as described in the attached document

Quarterly Report on Williams Uniform Complaints
4.6. Acceptance of Gift and Authorization to Send Letter of Appreciation

The following generous donation was received prior to the February 14, 2016 meeting.

tem: Clavinova Keyboard to the Dixie School District Music Department

Donated by: Jay Dicker, 118 Plymouth Cv, San Rafael, CA 94901

Received: November 2016

Value: $800.00

4.7. Certification by the Board of Monthly Payroll Order and Bills
Payroll Order & Bills
5. Announcements and Special Items
5.1. Announcements/Superintendent's Report
5.2. Host School Presentation: Vallecito
Vallecito Host School Presentation
5.3. First Reading of Board Bylaw 9270: Conflict of Interest

At the January 2017 Board meeting Superintendent Lohwasser reported that the District will begin to update Board Bylaws, Policies and Regulations on a regular basis. Mr. Walt Buster is assisting the District with this task. Mr. Buster is in attendance this evening to present Board Bylaw 9270: Conflict of Interest.

Board Bylaw 9270: Conflict of Interest is before you for a first reading. The Board can request the policy be brought back for a second reading and adoption at the March 14, 2017 Board meeting or can consent to one reading of Board Bylaw 9270: Conflict of Interest.

BB 9270 Conflict of Interest
5.4. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Process for Selecting a New Superintendent
Superintendent Search
5.5. Discussion and Possible Action re Resolution No. 2016/17-06: Change of Election Day of the Governing Board of the Dixie School District and Requesting the Board of Supervisors for the County of Marin to Authorize Consolidation with the November Election During Even-Numbered Years
Cover Resolution 2016/17-06 Election
Resolution No. 2016/17-06
6. Curriculum Matters
6.1. Update on the LCAP Annual Update and Outreach Plan

At the December Board of Education meeting, the preliminary Budget and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) calendar for 2017/18 fiscal year was presented. The calendar was updated to include key dates to meet the requirements in the development of the district’s budget and the LCAP. The Board approved the calendar and the Business Office and Educational Services moved forward to use these timelines for budget development and planning. The dates reflected in the calendar offer an opportunity for review and analysis as well as for comments and suggestions by teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the school district, parents, and pupils in developing the LCAP.

Each year the LCAP goals, measurable outcomes, actions and service and budgeted expenditures are reviewed as part of the Annual Update process. Education Code requires districts to consult with teachers, principals, administration, other school personnel and district bargaining units in reviewing the LCAP goals. On January 30, 2017, the thirty-three members of the Dixie District LCAP Consultant Group reviewed and updated the goals by using the Annual Update template. The Consultant Group evaluated and approved the continued implementation the three LCAP goals:

To identify, attract, and retain outstanding staff and provide high quality differentiated professional development with a focus on collaboration, alignment and support to maximize student learning and achievement.
State Priorities 1, 7, 8

Provide safe and clean facilities that support small class size, implement state standards, and access to instruction that foster critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.
State Priorities 1, 2, 4, 6

Maintain and increase connectedness for students, parents and community.
State Priorities 3, 4, 5

Secondly, the Consultant Group investigated the evidence associated with each measurable outcome to determine if the outcome was met. Each group discussed the goal and revised the measurable outcome and then shared the information out to the larger group. This gave all members a chance to comment on the new information.

The next activity of the review was to clarify the actions and services and budgeted expenditures. Any resulting changes to actions and services or budgeted expenditures will be incorporated into the preliminary draft of the 2017/2018 LCAP.

After the January 30th Consultant Group meeting, the draft Annual Update template was sent to all Consultant Group Members and is being presented tonight as a key part of the LCAP process.

Moving forward, the draft of the Annual Update and the review of the measurable outcomes will be presented to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) for review and comment. The next step is to present the information to all School Site Councils (SSC) during the month of March, gather input and suggestions from all parents. These meeting are open to all parents and an invitation will be published in each school’s newsletter.

After all suggestions are noted from the DELAC and SSC reviews, and all changes are incorporated into the preliminary 2017/2018 LCAP, the Parent Advisory Committee will convene to review and comment on the goals, new measurable outcomes, actions and services and budgeted expenditures. All suggestions will be noted and changes will be made, with acknowledgement from the Superintendent.

To conclude the LCAP process, a public hearing will be held on June 6, 2017. This will be an additional time to review and comment on the LCAP. A second reading and final report will be on June 27, 2017. This date aligns with the requirement to adopt the budget prior July 1.  

2017 Draft LCAP Annual Update
LCAP Site Council Meetings Notice
7. Budget and Financial Matters
7.1. Update on Dixie School District Budget and Impact of Governor’s Proposed Budget for 2017-18

On January 17, 2017 information was presented to the Board of Trustees on Governor’s January Budget Proposal for 2017-18. The Governor’s proposal provided updated information on the state’s current year’s budget and on future state revenue projections. This information will now be used to update the district’s current year’s budget for 2nd Interim and the multiyear projections (MYPs).  Prior to this the district’s 2016-17 Adopted Budget and 1st Interim report were based on state revenues assumption provided in June 2016.

The Governor’s proposal included a change in Proposition 98 funding decreasing the funding guarantee by $953 million from what was provided for in June 2016. In addition the proposal included some one-time discretionary funding for 2017-18 ($48 per ADA) but also substantially decreased funding for the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2017-18. The level of new funding is determined by the GAP percentage which in turn determines each school district’s unique level of funding.  The GAP funding percentage decreased from 72.99% in June to current estimate of 23.67%.

Key aspects of the proposal were discussed during the presentation and it was noted that the change in LCFF funding for 2017-18 would have a significant impact on the district; however the impact in actual dollars was not presented at that time.  Due to the significance of the Governor’s January proposals we felt it was important that the Board was aware of this impact.  These numbers reflect the impact of LCFF revenues change and projected enrollment for 2017-18 and 2018-19.  

Change in LCFF Revenues from Governor's January Budget

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1st Interim $ 15,099,244 $ 15,627,323 $ 16,059,339
After January Proposal $ 15,104,297 $ 15,268,084 $ 15,730,087
Difference $ 5,053 $ (359,239) $ (329,252)
Increase in Funding (New Money) $ 738,806 $ 163,787 $ 462,003

Please note that this change will further increase deficit spending in 2017-18 and 2018-19 and the district will fall below AB1200 reserve requirements for 2018-19.  The district will be presenting 2nd Interim report at the March board meeting which will include updated ADA for 2016-17 as well as other adjustments to the budget.

Recommended Motion:
Informational item only, no action is required
7.2. Transportation Report: Ridership, Fleet Analysis and Financial Update for FY 2016-17
Recommended Motion:
This is an informational item and no action is required
a) Transportation Report - Cover
b) Transportation Report - Supporting Documents
7.3. Dixie School District Debt and Management Policy Board Policy #3470 – First Reading
In the interest of improving debt transparency, on September 12, 2016 Governor Brown signed Senate Bill No. 1029 (Hertzberg) which requires local agencies, including school and community college districts, to certify that they have adopted local debt policies and that each contemplated debt issuance is consistent with those adopted policies. The certification will be a required element of the Report of Proposed Debt Issuance that is filed with the California Debt & Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) prior to a bond issuance. In addition, the new law will require local agencies to prepare an annual report for any debt issued on or after January 21, 2017.

To meet legal requirements, the debt policy must address:

  • The purposes for which the debt proceeds may be used
  • The types of debt that may be issued
  • The relationship of the debt to, and integration with, the issuer's capital improvement program or budget, if applicable
  • Policy goals related to the issuer's planning goals and objectives
  • The internal control procedures that the issuer has implemented, or will implement, to ensure that the proceeds of the proposed debt issuance will be directed to the intended use

Attached is Board Policy #3470 Dixie School District’s Debt Issuance and Management Policy.  The new policy meets the legal requirements and is presented to the Board for 1st reading. The Board can request the policy be brought back for a second reading or approve the policy with one reading.

Recommended Motion:
The Board can request the policy be brought back for a second reading or approve the policy with one reading
Board Policy #3470
8. Communications
8.1. Public Comment on Items not Specified on the Agenda
9. Organizational Matters
9.1. Community Activities
9.2. Reports by Board Members on Meetings Attended
9.3. Identification of Items for Future Agenda
10. Adjournment

Published: February 10, 2017, 4:41 PM

The resubmit was successful.